About the Rank
This is unique relative to other ranks in Cub Scouting. Tigers and their adult partners are just that, partners. They attend meetings together, go on adventures like field trips together, and complete requirements together.
The adult partner acknowledges the completion of each achievement part by signing the Scout’s handbook (Akela’s OK). The den leader also signs each Scout’s handbook (Den Leader’s OK) and records progress in the den’s advancement records. The Tiger Scouts also keep track of their own advancement using the Adventure Tracking section in the back of their handbooks.
Den Leaders

Ken Heisel
Den Leader
Shopping List
Your scout needs a rank-appropriate uniform and handbook that they will use throughout the year. Rank-specific shopping lists (including optional items) can be found below. All of these items can be purchased in-person or online at a Scout Shop. There are three locations in the area:
- The Moraine Trails Council Scout Shop (830 Morton Ave, Butler, PA 16001)
- The Laurel Highlands Council Scout Shop (1275 Bedford Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219)
- Online at www.scoutstuff.org
The official handbook is a Scout’s guide to their year in Cub Scouting. It is where they can find everything they need to complete requirements and many other Family Scouting activities.

Tiger Cub Scout Handbook
Handbooks are available in printed and electronic versions.
Scouts should purchase the Cub Scout uniform as shown below:

Cub Scout Unit Numerals
Three Patches: 4, 5, and 7

BSA Neckerchief Slide
or a rank specific slide

Den Number
Your Scout's Den Number can be found in Scoutbook
Uniforms purchased at a physical Scout Shop often have the Council and other required patch pre-sewn on and included in the price. Be sure to check that you are purchasing a shirt with the Moraine Trails Council patch.
Additional information on the Cub Scout Uniform including where to buy it and how to place patches can be found in Episode 2 of the New Member Boot Camp series. Consult the Boy Scouts of America’s Guide to Awards and Insignia for more information (Cub Scout-specific Guide).
Optional Gear
The following items are encouraged, but optional for participation in the program.
- Uniform Web Belt
- Uniform Cap, Plaid
- Uniform pants, shorts, or skirt
Additionally, you may choose to purchase the Cub Scout six essentials and other camping / hiking gear (i.e. a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat) from any outdoor store.
The requirements and information necessary to earn the Tiger rank are included in the Tiger Cub Scout Handbook.
- Complete each of the following Tiger required adventures with your den or family:
- Complete one Tiger elective adventure of your den or family’s choosing. (See below)
- With your parent or adult partner, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age.*
If your family does not have Internet access at home AND you do not have ready Internet access at school or another public place or via a mobile device, the Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or adult partner.
Learn more about these Adventures on the U.S. Scouting Service Project (usscouts.org) by clicking on the link.