There are multiple Cub Scout Handbooks (one for each Rank / Year in the program). These books explain the specific requirements for each required and elective Adventure a Scout can complete while they work towards their rank. It also provides leaders, parents, and guardians more information on activities that can be done to complete the Adventure Requirements. At Pack 457, we strongly encourage each of our Scouts to purchase their own copy of the Rank Handbook for their grade level.
Where can I get a copy of a Cub Scout Handbook?
The Cub Scout Handbook series is available from a variety of sources including the Moraine Trails Scout Shop in Butler, the Laurel Highlands Scout Shop in Pittsburgh, ScoutShop.org, and even Amazon.com. (The printed copies of the Handbooks on Amazon tend to be more expensive than what can be purchased at the Scout Shops. However, Scouts can also purchase Kindle Versions of the Handbooks from Amazon at a less expensive price than the printed copy!)
PRO TIP: You can help support Moraine Trails Council even if you purchase your book through Amazon. Simply sign-up for the Amazon Smiles program and chose Moraine Trails Council as your charity of choice. AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Moraine Trails Council.
You can also check the Used Goods section of our ONLINE STORE for Handbooks that have been donated to the Pack by members whose Scouts no longer need them.