In this episode of the Cubmaster Minute, we cover what the knot patches mean on Scout and Adult Leader Uniforms.
Reference Information
- BSA Guide to Awards and Insignia:
- Know Your Boy Scouts Square Knots:
- In the loop: A guide to square knots, and how to wear them:
Have you ever wondered what those knot patches mean on some Scouts and Leaders uniforms? We’ll answer that question on this week’s episode of the Cubmaster Minute!
Mr. Maloney here with a new episode of The Cubmaster Minute presented by Pack 457 in Zelienople PA. In today’s episode, we’re talking about the knot patches that you may see above the left pocket on some uniforms. These patches are typically worn by adult leaders to recognize their accomplishments in Scouting or show they demonstrate continued leadership and service to the program. That being said, you will occasionally see thee knot patches on some Scout uniforms as well.
Let’s take a look at the three “most common” knots you’ll see:
Youth Religious Award

This purple and silver knot shows that the wearer earned a religious award as a youth scouter. The patch allows them to be recognized without having to wear their medal all the time. We’ll talk more about Youth Religious Awards in a future Episode.
Arrow of Light Award

This patch has a yellow yellow border with green and red ropes making a square knot. It shows that the wearer has earned their Arrow of Light award when they were in Cub Scouts. This patch is only worn by adults because:
- Cub Scouts haven’t earned their Arrow of Light yet, and
- Scouts BSA youth can wear their Arrow of Light on their uniforms (in fact, the Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout rank you can wear on your Scouts BSA uniform.)
Eagle Scout Award

The last knot patch that I want to talk about is this one here with a square knot made from red, white, and blue rope. This patch shows that the wearer is an Eagle Scout. Like the Arrow of Light knot, this patch is only worn by adults because youth members who earn their Eagle Scout can wear their oval rank patch until they turn 18. There is one variation on this patch that has a silver border. This shows that the individual is a lifetime member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
Other Knot Patches

There are a number of other knot patches like the Den Leader and Cubmaster awards, the Scouters Key, and Scouts and Leaders alike can earn knot patches for honor, heroism, and meritorious service. You can learn more about these knot patches in the BSA’s Guide to Awards and Insignia. There is a link to this and other resources in the references above.
So the next time you talk to a Scouter with knot patches, ask them about their Eagle Scout project or how they earned these special awards. You never know what amazing stories you may hear!
We’ll see you in the next episode of the Cubmaster Minute. Until then, stay safe and stay Scouting.