"Do a good turn daily."

The Scout Slogan
What We Did
During this event, the Pack created ornaments and Christmas Cards from the children, adults and families supported by Glade Run Lutheran Services. Then, we celebrated the Holidays with our Pack 457 family with some treats and other fun and games.
Potential Advancement
Participating in this meeting helped our Scouts complete a service project benefiting our community. This helps complete the following requirements:
- Tiger Adventure – Team Tiger 4: With your den or family, participate as a team in a service project that helps our country or your community.
- Tiger Elective Adventure – Earning Your Stripes 6: With your adult partner and den, work on a service project for your pack’s meeting place or chartered organization.
- Tiger Elective Adventure – Good Knights 6: Show your understanding of knights’ service to others by participating in a service project in your community.
- Wolf Adventure – Council Fire 2: Participate in a community service project with your pack, den, or family.
- Bear Adventure – Fellowship and Duty to God 2b: With a family member, provide service to a place of worship or a spiritual community, school, or community organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God and strengthens your fellowship with others.
- Arrow of Light Adventure – Duty to God in Action 2: Under the direction of your parent, guardian, or religious or spiritual leader, do an act of service for someone in your family, neighborhood, or community. Talk about your service with your family. Tell your family how it related to doing your duty to God.
- Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure – Project Family 6b: Create a list of community service or conservation projects that you and your family can do together, and present it to your family. Select one project, plan it, and complete it with your family.