What We Did
After building Pinewood Derby Cars with their family and friends, our Scouts met to Race members of their Den and the Pack. Scouts competed for the following awards:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Fastest in their Den
- Coolest Car in each Den
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Fastest in the Pack
- The Most Patriotic Car in the Pack
- The Cubmaster Award *NEW
Potential Advancement
Participating in this meeting helped our Scouts to complete the following advancement/award requirement(s):
- Webelos / Arrow of Light Build It Adventure (Elective): Requirements 1, 2 and 3:
- Learn about some basic tools and the proper use of each tool. Learn about and understand the need for safety when you work with tools.
- With the guidance of your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, select a carpentry project and build it.
- List the tools that you use safely as you build your project; create a list of materials needed to build your project. Put a checkmark next to the tools on your list that you used for the first time.
Watch the Livestream
Open Invitational
Race Results
Race Standings
Design Awards
Coolest Car

Dens 4 & 5 (Lions and Tiger)
by Danny H.

Den 2 (Webelos)
"Racin' for Gold"
by Luke K.

Den 6 (Wolves)
by Josh C.

Den 3 (Arrow of Light)
"Doctor Robotnick"
by Cayden M.

Open Invitational (Adult)
by Patti M.

Den 1 (Bears)
"Wild Woodpecker"
by Evan H.

Open Invitational (Youth)
"Gotta Go Fast"
by Grace M.
Pack Awards

Most Patriotic
"Patriotic Bacon"
by Ian M.

The Cubmaster Award
"Fast Freedom"
by Landon H.
Event Photos
Check back soon for photos from this event.