A Cub Scout Pack is dependent on a dedicated set of volunteers to support our Scouts. These parents and representatives from our Charter Organization help us to deliver a quality, year-round program.
Pack Committee
The Pack Committee is responsible for handling administrative and support tasks in order to enable the Cubmaster and Den Leaders to focus on working with our Cub Scouts. Here are our Pack Committee Members:

Zach Shumaker

Tim Maloney
Committee Member

Justin Fiore

Joel Grobe
Committee Member

Jenna Rape
Fundraising Chair

Jeffry Wahl
Charter Org Representative & Committee Member

Jason Burr
Committee Chair
Den Leaders
Each den is led by an adult den leader in addition to other parents, together they plan and carry out a year-round program of activities for the den. Many parents serve as a Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader.
Learn more about the role of a Cub Scout Den Leader.
How to Get Involved
Whether you just want to help with one event or you are willing to help us lead a Den, our Pack is always looking for volunteers to help us deliver our program. Volunteering to help is easy!
Complete the Family Talent Survey
This short survey helps us to learn more about your Scout and your family. It also helps our leaders to identify people with specific skills that may be needed to complete one of our Scouting Adventures. Please take a few moments to complete the survey by clicking the link below:
Contact the Cubmaster to Volunteer
You can also contact our Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or any adult leader to express interest in volunteering. Or, complete this form to express your interest and a Pack representative will be in contact with you soon!