Pack 457 offers a year-round Cub Scouting program based on three core types of activities:
On average, members of Pack 457 should expect to meet two to three times per month for these activities. We encourage our Scouts to participate in every Den and Pack meeting, but we recognize that schedule conflicts will occur. Den Leaders work with each family to make sure that their Scouts are able to complete any adventures they miss on their own.
Den Meetings
Dens are the core of the Cub Scout program. Each den is a group of 6-8 Scouts from the same grade and is lead by a Den Leader (a registered and trained adult, typically a parent of one of the Scouts). The Scouts and their families participate in regular Den Meetings to complete a series of requirements needed to earn the next Cub Scout Rank.
- Who: Scouts in the Den and their families are encouraged to attend.
- When: Typically held once or twice a month. Specific times vary by Den.
- Where: Locations vary by Den
Your Scout’s Den Leader will contact you to share additional details about Den Meetings. You can also consult the calendar in Scoutbook (our Pack Management Software) for additional information.
Pack Meetings
We bring all the Dens in our Pack together for a Pack Meeting every month, typically the third Friday or Saturday of the month). During these meetings, we celebrate the achievements of our Scouts over the last month and participate in fun activities and community service.
Below is a listing of some of our recent Pack events. Click on the image to learn more about what we did at each event.
Special Events
In addition to Den and Pack Meetings, our members are invited to participate in a variety of special events. These include
- Optional activities hosted by our Pack.
- Community events offering special access or discounts to Cub Scouts
Below is a listing of our Pack Special Events: