The Pinewood Derby is a fun Cub Scout racing event held in many packs. During the event, Cub Scouts race small, driverless wooden cars down a sloped track. The cars are powered only by gravity.
With an adult’s help, each Pinewood Derby car is built by a Cub Scout using a kit that includes a wooden block, plastic wheels and metal axles. Trophies or medals are often awarded for the fastest car and the best designs.

Pack 457 typically holds our Pinewood Derby yearly in February or March. Winners of each Den’s races are invited to participate in the Moraine Trails Council’s Pinewood Derby in late March or early April.
2022 Pinewood Derby
Our 2022 race will be held on March 11 and 12, 2022. The Moraine Trails Council Pinewood Derby is scheduled for Sunday, April 3, 2022 from Noon to 4PM.

Races & Eligibility
Pack 457 runs 2 separate Pinewood Derby races: Scout-only Race and The Open Invitational.

Race Rules
Our Pack has specific rules that must be followed for our Pinewood Derby. Please read these before weigh in.

Race Weekend
IT IS RACE WEEKEND! Learn how race weekend works from Registration Night to Race Day!

We present speed and design awards at the Den and Race level. Learn about what awards you are eligible to win!

2022 Changes
We refine our race rules and plans every year. Learn what has changed between the 2021 and 2022 races.

Unsure of a rule? Have a question about race day? Check out our list of FAQs or ask your own!
Below are links to Pinewood Derby resources and tools:
- Pinewood Derby HQ (from Scout Life)
- EASY Pinewood Derby Car WINS using Science!!! (video from Mark Rober)
- Help Us Make a List of Tips For Building a Fast and Fun Pinewood Derby Car! (from the BSA on Facebook)
- These Incredible Pinewood Derby Cars From 2021 Will Inspire You (from Scout Lifej
Past Pinewood Derbys
The Pinewood Derby is an annual event. Take a look back at some of the races from yesteryear…