
The most important values in Pinewood Derby competition are parent / Scout participation, good sportsmanship and learning how to follow rules. The Pack Leadership Committee is responsible for recognizing and encouraging these qualities in addition to traditional racing awards.

Two types of awards are presented during our race:

  • Speed Awards recognize the Participates based on the average speed of their cars during the competition. These awards are determined based on the car’s fastest average time as outlined in Race Day: Determining Winners above.
  • Design Awards recognize the Participant’s creativity and hard work designing, building and finishing their cars. These awards are determined based on the established selection criteria.

Speed Awards

Scout-only Race

  • Den Races:
    • First, second, third place finishers in each den based on the car with the fastest overall average time in the Den.  (Trophy)
    • Most fuel efficient (Certificate) presented to the car with the slowest average time in the Den.  (Removed on Feb 7, 2022)
  • Pack Finals:  First, second, third-place overall finishers based on the car with the fastest overall average time in the Pack Finals. (Trophy)
    • The car’s race times in the Den races are not included in their average for Pack Finals.

Open Invitational

Open Invitational Awards are presented to finishers within the Youth and Adult categories.

  • First, second, third-place overall finishers based on the car with the fastest overall average time. (Trophy)
  • The Most Fuel Efficient Award presented to the car with the slowest average time.  (Certificate)  (Removed on Feb 7, 2022)

Design Awards

Scout-only Race

  • “Coolest Car” in each Den (Trophy)
    • Selected by anonymous votes cast by all Participants in the Den.
    • Vote must be submitted in the marked boxes before the start of the Pack Finals.
    • In the event of a tie, the winning vote will be cast by an adult whose Scout is not one of the Participants in the tie.  The voting order shall be Den Leader, Committee Chair, Cubmaster, other Adult Leader, or Council Representative before other adults.
  • “Most Patriotic” car in the Pack.  (Trophy) is selected by a representative from the Armed Forces (Active Duty or Retired)
  • The Cubmaster Award (Trophy) is selected by the Cubmaster from all cars in the Pack.
    • The Cubmaster may choose the selection criteria (i.e. most creative design, most “out of this world”). 
    • In the event that no cars meet the selection criteria, the Cubmaster may choose their favorite design from all the cars in the Pack.
Pack leadership reserves the right to add additional design awards as appropriate.

Open Invitational

  • The “Coolest Car” – Youth Division (Trophy)
  • The “Coolest Car” – Adult Division (Trophy)

These awards are chosen by members of Pack 457:

  • Selected by anonymous votes cast by all Scouts in the Pack.
  • Vote must be submitted in the marked boxes before the start of the Open Invitational.
  • In the event of a tie, the winning vote will be cast by an Adult Leader who is not participating in the Open Invitational. The voting order shall be Charter Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Council Representative, other Adult Leader before other adults.