004 – 2020 Membership Dues Changes
This episode of the Cubmaster Minute is the first of two episode discussing our 2021 Membership Renewal process. In Part One, we’ll discuss the changes in our Dues and member benefits.
This episode of the Cubmaster Minute is the first of two episode discussing our 2021 Membership Renewal process. In Part One, we’ll discuss the changes in our Dues and member benefits.
In this episode of The Cubmaster Minute, we discuss our July 2020 Pack Theme! Watch Listen Transcripts It’s July. That means it time to celebrate Independence Day and to welcome our new Pack Theme! Hi everyone! Mr. Maloney here for The Cubmaster Minute presented by Pack 457 in Zelienople, PA. Today, we’re talking about our July Pack theme. This month, we’re focusing on the first three words of the Scout Oath “On My Honor” Every week we start out our meetings with these words and I suspect that some nights some of you just sort of mumble through them without
In this episode of the Cubmaster Minute, we cover important Pack information for June 2020 including: Advancement Reminders, An update on In-Person Meetings, “At Home” Summer Camp Options, Recruiting and Membership Renewal, and Upcoming Pack Events for June, July and August Watch Listen Subscribe Reference Links Scoutbook Advancement Tutorial: https://youtu.be/ggwXUFBm6w4 Pandemic Response Website: “I Did My Best in Quarantine Program: Transcripts Hello everyone! Mr. Maloney here with the Cubmaster Minute, a weekly-ish audio and video series presented by Pack 457 in Zelienople, PA where we cover the latest information about the Pack and answer frequently asked questions from new members
In this episode, we wish our Scouts a Happy New Year (00:13), learn our Pack Theme for the year (01:01), and talk about the Theme for June 2020 (01:14). Watch Listen Subscribe Transcripts Hi there Pack 457 and Happy New Year.! That’s right: June 1, this past Monday, marked the first day of our 2021 Pack year. We [the Leadership Team] are still working on a lot of stuff and we’ll be sharing that with the Pack here very soon. But, for right now, what a new pack here means is really two things for all of our Scouts.
Welcome to The Cubmaster Minute presented by Pack 457 in Zelienople, PA. In this inaugural episode, Mr. Maloney explains more about what to expect in this series. Watch Listen Subscribe Transcripts Hi, Mr. Maloney here and welcome to The Cubmaster Minute presented by Pack 457 in Zelienople, Pennsylvania. In this weekly-ish audio video series, will cover topics like: What it means to be a Cub Scout Updates from our pack and our dens You’ll get to meet some of our leaders, and We’ll answer frequently asked questions that come from new members and experienced Scouters alike. If you’re interested,
Updated for 2022. Once a year, we ask our families to renew their Scout’s membership to Pack 457. This helps us to ensure we are: Collecting annual dues from our members. Gathering our Member’s required Health and Medical forms. Only paying national dues for youth who continuing with the program. Only communicating with families who wish to continue in the program. Renewing your Scout’s membership can be completed in four easy steps: 1 CONFIRM INVOLVEMENT 2 PAY DUES 3 COMPLETE HEALTH FORM 4 COMPLETE SURVEY (You will need your Scout’s BSA ID Number to complete the renewal process. This information
A Den is a small group of Scouts that are in the same grade at school and are all working toward the same rank: Kindergarten – Lion Rank 1st grade – Tiger Rank 2nd grade – Wolf Rank 3rd grade – Bear Rank 4th grade – Webelos Rank 5th grade – Arrow of Light A Pack is the collection of all Dens affiliated with a single Charter Organization. A Charter Organization is the organization that sponsors the Pack and its Dens. Pack 457’s Charter Organization is English Lutheran Church in Zelienople. Members of our Pack do not need to be directly affiliated with the Charter Organization.
There are multiple Cub Scout Handbooks (one for each Rank / Year in the program). These books explain the specific requirements for each required and elective Adventure a Scout can complete while they work towards their rank. It also provides leaders, parents, and guardians more information on activities that can be done to complete the Adventure Requirements. At Pack 457, we strongly encourage each of our Scouts to purchase their own copy of the Rank Handbook for their grade level. Where can I get a copy of a Cub Scout Handbook? The Cub Scout Handbook series is available from a
The Class B uniform (also called the Activity Uniform) is the Pack t-shirt/sweatshirt, activity appropriate pants or shorts, and an optional scouting cap. In keeping with Boy Scouts of America rules, any previous Pack 457 t-shirt can be worn as a Class B uniform, even if it is not in the current style. Wearing the Uniform The uniform is one of the methods of delivering the Scouting program. In addition to creating a sense of belonging, the uniform gives a Scout the ability to display their personal achievements. Even though this uniform is not as official looking as the Class
The Class A uniform (also called the Field Uniform) is the uniform you expect to see a Cub Scout dressed in. It consists of the blue or khaki (for Scouts in fourth and fifth grade) button-down shirt, a neckerchief, rank-appropriate slide, and patches identifying our Council and Pack. The Class A uniform also includes optional pieces like a hat, belt, and pants. Wearing the Uniform The uniform is one of the methods of delivering the Scouting program. In addition to creating a sense of belonging, the uniform gives a Scout the ability to display their personal achievements. Scouts should wear
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